Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My First Post

Hi, my name is Cameron Paige. No, it's not my real name, but everything else on this blog will be, I promise. (The fake name is just so dear Aunt Bella or the guy two cubicles over doesn't look at me kinda funny. Hey, I'm new to this whole blogging thing, okay.) I'm a single woman in my 30s. Single as in never married, never had any children. You could say I lived with someone once, but only if you put an asterisk next to it like Barry Bonds' home-run record. (Even though said someone spent 99.9% of his time at my apartment, he still "maintained his own residence." Not surprisingly, his fear of commitment contributed to our break-up.) Oh, and no, no boyfriend either.

So I decided to write this blog because sometimes I feel like I'm the only one, and I guess I'm hoping people will read this and remind me that I'm not. I mean, realistically, I already know there are other single women in their 30s in this world--I've seen them in US Weekly (you go get down with your bad self Cam Diaz!) and I even know a precious few personally. But still. Sometimes I feel like the only one.

Also, sometimes I just feel like I have no one to talk to, so I'm turning to this computer screen to get a few things off my chest. I should clarify: I'm extremely lucky to have a wonderful family and many great friends, but most are married and don't always quite understand. I mean, they're always willing to listen and are often very helpful, but sometimes you just need someone who's been there too. Just like I'm sure I fall short sometimes when my friends need to hash out potty training or pre-schools.

So, that's my story. So far. Welcome to Why Isn't She Married Yet? MY Single-sided View of the World!


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